Up to date reviews of the newest Hollywood releases!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

No Review This Week

For those of you waiting with baited breath to read my next review this week, I'm afraid I'm going to have to dissapoint. The only movie I feel is worth seeing this week, Danny Boyle's Sunshine, doesn't appear to be playing at any engagements close to me. I refuse to spend money on another Adam Sandler movie, or on seeing John Travolta in drag. So baring some miracle that I'm able to see Sunshine, it looks like you'll have to wait until next week for The Simpsons.

However, if you feel you need to see a movie this weekend and want to know what you should see, go see You Kill Me. Going into it's second or third week (hence no full review), this movie starring Ben Kingsley has him as a Polish hit man in Buffalo, whose alcoholism is affecting his work and as a result the family sends him to San Francisco to join AA and sober himself up. He ends up working at a funeral home while he's down there (how appropriate) and gets involved with a (surprisingly entertaining yet completely forgettable) Tea Leoni. Bill Pullman makes an appearance as an odd and quirky real estate agent hired to look after Kingsley and Luke Wilson plays Kingsley's gay AA sponsor. Kingsley arrives as an unexpectedly funny comedic actor, similar to the comedic turn of Robert DeNiro in Midnight Run. Both Kingsley's timing and delivery are perfect and at the same time is able to capture the complexity and humanity of the character without turning him into a caricature as less experienced actors might. This is definitely a movie you all should check out because it's easily one of the better movie in theaters right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the update and i look forward to next weeks 'doh" review!