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Wednesday, July 4, 2007

REIVEW: Transformers

(above) Mikaela (Megan Fox) and Sam (Shia LaBeouf) meet the autobots for the first time under the watchfull gaze of Ironhide

The Best Action Film of the Summer!
Transformers is the perfect action adventure homage to the original cartoon

Rating: A

Circa 1983-1984 Hasbro Toy Company came up with an idea for a new product. It wasn’t a toy car, nor was it a toy robot, but a marriage of the two; a robot that could transform into a car and back again. With any new product the biggest problem is trying to figure out how to market it; how to sell it. Some genius market executive came up with a brilliant idea. Thus the Transformers were born, and the marketing success of the cartoon resulted in a cult phenomenon that consumed a generation. Now, after four seasons, a series of spin-offs, one feature length cartoon movie, and 23 years later, the Transformers are given life again. The Steven Spielberg produced and Michael Bay directed summer blockbuster is part re-make, part update, and all homage to the original series. Headed up by the original voice of Optimus Prime himself, Peter Cullen, and up and coming star, Shia LaBeouf, this movie satisfies, entertains, and reminds you of an age when after-school cartoons were worth seeing.

With the help of a creative writing and the thrilling direction of Michael Bay, the movie keeps from feeling like a cartoon while at the same time honoring the source material. The movie maintains the basic “Transformers” plot requirements but with a twist; the Autobots and Decepticons no longer fight over energon cubes but a single all powerful cube, called the Allspark, that has the power to turn electrical devices into sentient, transforming robots. Megatron wants the allspark to enslave humanity and destroy the Autobots, led by Optimus Prime. Prime wants to destroy the cube to keep it from falling into Megatron’s hands. Caught in the middle of this race between good and evil is the U.S. military, the U.S. government, and a boy named Sam (Shia LaBeouf), who holds the key to finding the Allspark and saving humanity. Thrown in are some thrilling action sequences, incredible visuals, and innovative storytelling that keeps the movie feeling fresh and original while at the same time tugging at your sense of nostalgia.

This film marks the first time in 20 years that the leader of the Autobots has something new to say, and pulls out the kid in us. Then to hear the names of memorable characters like “Ironhide”, “Bumblebee”, “Megatron”, and “Starscream,” only stirs up that inner child and reminds you why you fell in love with all these characters in the first place (as if you could ever truly forget). ILM animators have also managed to give the CGI characters life with spectacular visual effects. Each robot has its own personality, individual and distinct from all the others, which makes them so much more engaging to watch.

Much to the devoted fans chagrin, the robots themselves have been given a bit of an overhaul. Bumblebee, who fans remember was a VW Bug in the cartoon, is now a Camaro. Jazz, the one time Porsche, is now a Pontiac Solstice. Even the robot forms of these characters, both autobots and decepticons, are completely different from the way they looked 20 years ago. The movie is all the better for it. The altered appearance of these beloved characters only helps in the effort to ground the film in a sense of reality (even though they're giant, transforming, alien robots...work with me). The complex designs surpass the boxy look from the 80’s and gets you to almost believe that the robots could conceivably transform into all these different things. The mechanics of the transformations has also been well thought out through what is sure to be an extremely expensive and time consuming process; where one frame of animation takes almost 36 hours to render. The effects are so good in fact that the robots look more real in the daylight than they do at night. It’s nearly impossible to take your eyes off the screen (and you certainly wont want to make any trips to the bathroom) because each time any robot is on screen, it’s a feast for the eyes.

Despite initial lamentation by fans at the choice of Michael Bay to direct, after watching the film it hard to believe that any other director could have given the film such life. Michael Bay has established himself as one of the best directors of car chases and excels at visceral explosive action. He is able to give the audience both incredible humor and intense action while holding their attention for a full 2 hours and 33 minutes. Aside from his expert direction of the CGI characters, Bays greatest asset is Shia LaBeouf, who’s “Disturbia” held to top spot for over a month earlier this year. LaBeouf is readily establishing himself as the best actor of his generation. He is able to hold the screen against his CGI co-stars, and even carry the movie when the wants to. LaBeouf brings humor to the film while at the same serving as its emotion anchor. The rest of the cast is also full of heavyweights and cult favorites led by Jon Voigt, Kevin Dunn, Josh Duhamel and, expert character actor, John Turturro.

Transformers is everything a Transformers movie, and a summer action blockbuster, should be, with its only problem being that it isn’t long enough. As the first non-sequel action film of the summer it meets and exceeds expectations. The only sad thing when the credits roll and the fantasy ends, I realize is that my car isn’t really an alien transforming robot.


Anonymous said...

For the most part, I agree. However, one can get to much of a good thing. Bay definitely crossed that line in the last hour of the film.

A little know fact about Bay's final edits to the screenplay...

At 1:45 it reads...

"Robots fighting until audience falls asleep."


brian said...

The more I thought about this movie, the more I didn't like it. I dug the robot designs, but I thought the action scenes were pretty poor. It was also hard to tell some of the Decepticons apart. Why have Megatron be a jet, when we already have Starscream? I barely noticed when Jazz died. Also, I hated the attempts at humor, especially the scenes when the autobots are hiding from Shia's parents. I loved Transformers as a kid, but I guess, as an adult, I was looking for something a little more sophisticated. Still, I wasn't even that entertained on a basic level.